Contest: Want two free plane tickets to the Reason Rally? Social Media Contest: Ten Point Vision of a Secular America.
Christopher Hitchens’ ‘God Is Not Great’ Trends on Twitter, Christians Threaten Violence, Police shave mohawks off punks at Indonesia concert, Saudi Woman Beheaded for ‘Witchcraft‘, The nightmarish SOPA hearings, American public to Congress: Get out. All of you, Rival Campaigns Seize On Romney’s $10,000 Bet, Gingrich: I’ll ‘ignore’ any Supreme Court ruling I disagree with, Biology test omits creation theory, complains Kentucky educator, Anti-Gay Alabama GOPer Secretly Donated Sperm To Lesbian Couples In New Zealand, Jorge Santini, Mayor Of San Juan, Baffles Public With Astoundingly Strange Christmas Photo.
Email stories: AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer Says People Who ‘Disliked’ Rick Perry’s Anti-Gay Ad Approve Of Bestiality, Bradley Manning’s gender identity comes up in testimony.
Hey guys,
I’ve been meaning to follow up on something you said on your interview show with the guy from Skeptics in the Pub for awhile now.
I would point out that in the town where you life, there are likely to be both other skeptics and bars. While you were correct to note how awesome Skeptics in the Pub sounds, I’d suggest that you guys are pretty well equipped to start something similar on this side of the pond.
If you do, I’d like to buy you guys each a round. Or several.
Live. It should have been “in the town where you live.” Damn you small touchscreens and Autocorrect.
That’s definitely a jaguar, his family living in the Western Hemisphere and all.
I loved, near the end of this episode, how you both could not contain your laughter during the description of the odd holiday photo –had me laughing out loud at work.
Hilarious! Very good episode, thanks!
Loved the episode, just stumbled across this gem. Thought you’d like it:
Scroll about halfway down and you’ll see what I’m talking about.