Episode 231: I Can Count to 104!
- Ark. lawmaker has Facebook freakout over Sunday pride parade: It ‘intimidates people who believe God’
- Mike Huckabee: Gay Marriage Will Criminalize Christianity by Elevating ‘A Lifestyle To The Status Of A Civil Right’
- “America is a hellhole, and we’re going down fast”: Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly have a testy exchange about state of the nation
- Report: ISIS Fighter Who ‘Enjoyed’ Killing Christians Wants to Follow Jesus After Dreaming of Man in White Who Told Him ‘You Are Killing My People’
- Conservative blogger: Christians who laughed at my fear of demons are ‘far worse’ than atheists
- Russian Toddler Critically Ill After Parents Turn to Church Instead of Hospital
- Father’s Lawsuit Claims Teaching Of Evolution Will Hinder Daughter’s Future Veterinarian Career
- Pat Robertson: Comfort grieving mom by saying God stopped her dead baby from becoming next Hitler
Episode 216: Luciferian Illuminatus
- Ken Ham: ‘Black And White Twins’ Prove Evolution Is A Lie — There Are Two Races: The Saved And The Unsaved Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1918503/ken-ham-black-and-white-twins-prove-evolution-is-a-lie-there-are-two-races-the-saved-and-the-unsaved/#Y162JCpZX2MU18Gc.99
- ISIS wants Egypt’s Pyramids, Sphinx destroyed; leader calls it ‘religious duty’: http://www.syracuse.com/us-news/index.ssf/2015/03/isis_wants_to_destroy_egypts_pyramids_sphinx.html
- Idaho House wants judges who rule for gay marriage impeached: http://m.spokesman.com/stories/2015/mar/20/idaho-house-wants-judges-who-rule-gay-marriage-imp/
- Afghan woman killed by mob in Kabul was innocent, says investigator: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/22/afghan-woman-killed-mob-kabul-innocent
- Bryan Fischer: Satan tricked Megyn Kelly into calling Bobby Jindal out on immigration: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/christian-radio-host-satan-tricked-megyn-kelly-into-calling-bobby-jindal-out-on-immigration/
- Students banned from watching solar eclipse due to ‘religious and cultural reasons’: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/students-banned-from-watching-solar-eclipse-due-to-religious-and-cultural-reasons/#.VQ4J5qLXKBI.reddit
- Saint Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco installs a watering system to deter homeless: http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/saint-marys-cathedral-in-san-francisco-installs-a-watering-system-to-deter-homeless/story-fnh81jut-1227269497228
- Rick Wiles Warns Christians They Have A Year To ‘Get Out’ Before Obama Destroys America – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/rick-wiles-warns-christians-they-have-year-get-out-obama-destroys-america#sthash.S6pHdSBp.dpuf
- Pat Robertson: ‘I Wish Reagan Would Rise From The Dead And Come Back’ – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/pat-robertson-i-wish-reagan-would-rise-dead-and-come-back#sthash.E744fSTM.dpuf
Episode 75: Kill the Gays Bill
- Uganda Passes ‘Kill the Gays’ Bill
- Christian Teacher Burned Crosses onto Students’ Arms and Pushed Creationism — Now He’s Claims His “Free Speech” Was Violated?
- We don’t have all the answers, evolution is a theory
- Here Is What Louisiana Schoolchildren Learn About Evolution
- Texas petition to secede reaches threshold for ..
- Drunk-Driving Teen Sentenced to 10 Years of Church Attendance as Part of His Probation
- Lawyer for anti-gay Christian group arrested for child porn
- Indian woman dies after abortion refusal in Ireland
- Perry Noble Blames Homosexuality on Non-Tithing Christians
Episode 30: Intimate Rocket Attack
Former Worldwide Church of God preacher says Jesus Christ is returning on May 27, 2012 and that today marks the end of time and beginning of “half time”, White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to Mars, In Jerusalem, women are voiceless at a decidedly womanly event, My Guantánamo Nightmare, Generous Governor Pardons Men Who Murdered Their Wives, Christian Extremists Rewrite The Constitution, And You’re Not In It, Survey: U.S. Protestant pastors reject evolution, split on Earth’s age, Spanish bishop legitimates rape, Mitt Romney: Questions About Wall Street, Income Inequality Are Driven By ‘Envy’, Indiana Republicans Introduce Bill To Allow ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ To Be Required By Schools, Police Investigating Woman for Violating Adultery Law, German priest admits 280 counts of sexual abuse, Christian anti-abortion group says aborted fetuses are used in food taste-enhancement tests
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