Episode 33: Lawmakers for Constitutional Ignorance
- Pastor complains that Starbucks is “turning against God” and following Satan
- Muslims Declare Jihad on Dogs in Europe
- One Million Moms to JC Penney: fire Ellen, she’s gay
- Santorum To Gay Man: You Don’t Deserve ‘Privilege’ Of Marriage Because Gay Unions Don’t ‘Benefit Society’
- Alabama Republican Senator: Low teacher pay mandated by God
- Indiana Senate passes bill putting religion in science class
- It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s ‘Bible Man’: Alabama School Board Makes Super-Bad Decision
- Toddlers subjected to palm-reading assessments in China
- Quebec woman ‘cooked to death’: report
- Romney: ‘I’m not concerned about the very poor’
- Bath Christian group’s ‘God can heal’ adverts banned
- ‘Obedient Wives Club’ Irks Some Muslims In Malaysia
Clips: The Simpsons, Pulp Fiction, Ellen Degeneres stand up, Rick Santorum, Bibleman, Jesus Camp and Blue Suede “Hooked on a Feeling”, A Few Good Men, Kevin MacLeod – “At Rest” Incompetech.com.
Angry Atheist