Episode 92: Michael Marshall
Special thanks to Marsh for joining us. Visit his projects:
Special thanks to Marsh for joining us. Visit his projects:
Rick Perry’s “Strong Ad”
Michele Bachmann On Glenn Beck Calls 8 Year Old Boy’s Act “Shameless”, One Million Moms, N Korea furious at South’s Christmas lights plan, Noam Chomsky’s “9/11”, Atheists Who Go to Church: Doing It for the Children, Followup -Afghan Rapist, Mercy for the drunk Muslim girl gang who attacked woman, Islamic cleric bans women from touching bananas, cucumbers for sexual resemblance, Police: Suspect in Christian pamphlet hit-and-run turns self in,
We were interviewed by Patrick Redmond, Skeptics in the Pub Birmingham, it came out last week.
Clips: Bachmann talking about gays from Daily Show, The Simpsons, We wish You a Merry Christmas – by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), President Bush speech after 9/11, Atheists are Parasites – Fox News, Three Stooges, Blood of Jesus – Jesus Camp.
This weeks news items:
6 Dead From HIV from Holy Water Cure, Kentucky Church Bans Interracial Marriage, Bachmann on US Embassy in Iran, VIDEO Bachmann on Gay Marriage, Indefinite Detention for Americans, Therapist and Satanic Cults, Yoga and Harry Potter are Evil, Gingrich and Child Labor, Patrick Redmond – Skeptics on the Pub Birmingham blog and Podcast.
Clips used:
James Randi on God, Gingrich on American Exceptionalism, Bugs Bunny Hypnosis, Three Stooges, Bachman on Jehova and Gays, Gingrich on CNN, Ghostbusters.
Clips: Orson Wells on Cold Reading, Herman Cain on WSJ, Sarah Palin on Fox News, Herman Cain and Uzbekistan on Think Progress, Anonymous, A Few Good Men.
Stories: Rapture again, Rick Santorum and Abe Lincoln, Dan Savage wants Herman Cain to suck his dick, Herman Cain said Jesus was killed by a Liberal Court, Herman Cain 999, Michelle Bachmann doesn’t know where Libya is, Herman Cain and Uzbekistan, Anonymous takes down child porn on Darknet, Tea party suggests business owners don’t hire to spite Obama, Woman Beaten with frozen armadillo.
Praying 24 hours a day, Bill 358 hates women, New date for the rapture, Bishop indicted, Rick Perry is being persecuted for his faith, Herb Cain, 999 Plan, Bachmann wants to go back to Regan Era taxes, Gay Male Cheerleader, Human Sacrifice for wealth, ultra orthodox vs. orthodox, Fake Reiki, 99% and Occupy Wall Street, Glen Beck thinks protesters are going to kill people, Indisputable proof of Yeti, Emails.
Clips: BBC debate, Jesus Camp, Blue Suede – Hooked on a Feeling, Fox News interview wiht Sarah Palin, Simpsons, It’s Magic – Pilot, Quackery PSA, Bachmann on Taxes, Glenn Beck, A Few Good Men.