Stories covered in episode:
- Pat Robertson Yesterday: Mark My Words, The Lord Will Give Trump The Votes To Pass Trumpcare [VIDEO]
- Tamil Nadu youth killed for being an atheist, father says he too will become one
- Imam calling for Jews to be killed in sermon at Montreal mosque draws police complaint
- One Priest Is Worth More Than 20 Physicians
- WATCH: Oklahoma State Rep says rape and incest are the ‘will of God’ in abortion bill hearing (video)
- Brazilian Soccer Star: God Forgave Me for Torturing My Girlfriend and Feeding Her Body to Dogs
- This Bus Is On A Road Trip To Convince You That Transgender People Aren’t Real
- Another Reason Christians Are Boycotting Beauty and the Beast: The Beast Looks Like Satan
- Lance Wallnau Thinks His Prayer Effort Is Saving Trump From Leaks And Witchcraft (video)
- Wayne Allyn Root: Trump Should Ignore Those Who Will Lose Health Care Under His Plan Because ‘None Of Them Are Voting For Trump Anyway’
- Rick Wiles: The Government Is ‘Going To Send A Robot To Your House To Eat You For Lunch’ (video)
Other stories:
I just had to ask; did you guys read the scrolling text at the bottom of the Emo Trump song? Definitely worth it. My favorite:
Trump asks scientific community if having sex with a clone of Ivanka would count as incest.
Love the show, keep it up. Glory hole!