Florida candidate for U.S. Senate admits to sacrificing goat, drinking its blood
Priest ‘pointed musket’ at 8-year-old over Giants-Cowboys rivalry
Christians ‘serious about their faith’ should consider getting guns, Lt. Gov. says
Ben Carson: ‘Body With Bullet Holes’ Preferable to Gun Control
Michael Savage Suggests UCC Shooting Was An Obama Conspiracy To Distract From Syrian Civil War
Rick Wiles Suggests The UCC Shooting Was ‘Staged’ By ‘A Secret Death Squad’ Using ‘Crisis Actors’
Tennessee County May Ask God To Spare Them And Smite Someone Else
Christian group predicts the world will be ‘annihilated’ on Wednesday
Jim Bakker: My Black Underwear Signals God’s Wrath On America
Orthodox Priest Suspended for Making Kinky “Cake Sitting” Porn Tapes with His School Principal