- Indiana sheriff says prayer in school is the only way to stop kids from being murdered –
- Christian group ‘investigating’ family and staff of 2016 candidates to expose gay sympathizers
- Allen West Blames Football Injuries On Church-State Separation
- Husband sets wife on fire in Pakistan ‘honour killing’
- Pat Robertson: ‘Smack’ your children to protect them from ‘evil’ devil music in iPods
- John Kasich awaits signal from God on presidential bid
- Televangelist Creflo Dollar claims Pokemon causes homosexuality
- Father who beat children with cricket bat refused ‘Working with Children’ check
- Texas lawmaker refuses to meet with constituents who don’t share her views, staff says it is ‘a waste of time’
- Rafael Cruz Continues To Blame Church-State Separation For Violent Crime, Teen Pregnancy
- Texas Woman Arrested in Alleged Attempt to Resurrect Dead Toddler
- Bill O’Reilly: It’s ‘Open Season’ On Christians And White Men (VIDEO)
‘Miracles From Heaven’: Near-Fatal Fall Cures Sick Little Girl’s Symptoms