Episode 13: Triskaidekaphobia and Porn

This Podcast is for the Week of September 12 through September 19, 2011.

The number 13. UFO’s: General’s, Pilots and Government Officials go on the record. Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann are fatalistic. Bachmann and the HPV vaccine. Rick Perry and the death penalty. Ron Paul talks about motivations for 9/11. Tea Party debates and healthcare. Paul Ryan wants to increase payroll taxes. Christians against Porn. Little People pornstar and Gordon Ramsey lookalike dies.

Clips: David Cross on Terrorism, Jesus Camp, Onion News Network – Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is ‘Totally Badass’, CNN Tea Party Debate, A Few Good Men.



Can the Christian crusade against pornography bear fruit?








4 comments on Episode 13: Triskaidekaphobia and Porn

  1. Mike says:

    Great episode. I was looking for the beat poem link, but did not see it. Can you post it on website or in comments? If I just missed it, feel free to point out my ineptitude. 🙂

    1. diss0713 says:

      Sorry, our ineptitude! It’s on there now. =)

  2. Zakary Kurzawski says:

    Another great show, gentlemen.
    Regarding the Westboro Baptist Church: oh, yes, these fuckers are dead serious. Kevin Smith has spent the better part of the past two years talking with some of them on Twitter. The back and forth, as well as the mentally unstable dogma that is spewed with it, is remarkable at times.
    The church and it’s founder, Fred Phelps, live by this batshit ideology of hate towards anyone who isn’t them. For an example of the type of people they are you should take a look at Malcolm Ingram’s documentary Small Town Gay Bar. In part of it, Ingram manages to get an interview with Fred Phelps. It is astounding how much of an asshat this guy is and definitely worth watching.

  3. John Denys says:

    Zakary, thanks for the documentary recommendation.

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