Episode 280: Cookie Acceptance Day!
Danish imam urges govt to accept child marriages among refugees
Former Yazidi Sex Slaves Form All-Female Battalion ‘Sun Ladies’ to Launch Assault on ISIS
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Gives Bizarre Religious Rant at Ted Cruz Rally [13 minute clip]
Rick Wiles: Obama, Hillary And Pope Francis Will Destroy America
Cruz-loving End Times pastor uses numerology to prove Obama sacrificed Scalia in pagan ritual
Episode 32: The Angry Atheists
PURITY BEAR SEZ: KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS, Pope warns of ‘radical secularism’, Atheist Temple: Nonbelievers To Get Place Of ‘Worship’ In UK, Rick Santorum: Left uses college for “indoctrination”, Rick Santorum On Opposition To Abortion In Cases Of Rape: ‘Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation’, Santorum Promises To Outlaw Gay Civil Marriage Because It Does Not Reflect ‘God’s Will For Us’, Oklahoma GOP Introduces Bill That Attacks Evolution And Climate Change, Nigeria’s “witch children” find refuge at center, Tennessee Rep. Says It’s ‘Virtually Impossible’ To Contract AIDS Through Heterosexual Sex, North Carolina GOP Lawmaker Calls For Bringing Back Public Hangings, Starting With Abortion Providers, Yes, the Romneys Converted Mitt’s Dead Atheist Father-in-Law to MormonismClips used: Rick Santorum – Meet the Press, Book of Mormon at Tony Awards, Jesus Camp, “Just Nasty” Kevin MacLeod (,
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Episode 30: Intimate Rocket Attack
Former Worldwide Church of God preacher says Jesus Christ is returning on May 27, 2012 and that today marks the end of time and beginning of “half time”, White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to Mars, In Jerusalem, women are voiceless at a decidedly womanly event, My Guantánamo Nightmare, Generous Governor Pardons Men Who Murdered Their Wives, Christian Extremists Rewrite The Constitution, And You’re Not In It, Survey: U.S. Protestant pastors reject evolution, split on Earth’s age, Spanish bishop legitimates rape, Mitt Romney: Questions About Wall Street, Income Inequality Are Driven By ‘Envy’, Indiana Republicans Introduce Bill To Allow ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ To Be Required By Schools, Police Investigating Woman for Violating Adultery Law, German priest admits 280 counts of sexual abuse, Christian anti-abortion group says aborted fetuses are used in food taste-enhancement tests
Visit our website: for all the stories and links.
Episode 28: Apocalypse Now
Notes for week 12/ 31/ 11Hugo Chávez hints at US cancer plot, Archbishop of Chicago under fire for comparing Gay Pride parade to Ku Klux Klan , 31 years for 31$ worth of weed, Utra-Orthodox bounty, Gingrich’s Commission On Religious Freedom Caters To NOM/Catholics’ Self-Victimization, Gingrich Puts a Price on His Family Values : He sheltered his $4-million book bonanza from his struggling, non-trophy ex-wife, Gingrich Floats Sarah Palin As Possible Vice President Pick, Psychic Predictions for 2012, Why Dr. Oz will not save pharmacy practice, Celebrities and Science 2011, Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars.
Video that the initial clip comes from: