Bill O’Reilly: Jesus is not ‘down with’ food stamps because most poor people are drug addicts
Rick Santorum compares Obamacare to apartheid in clumsy Mandela tribute
Egyptian Fatwa: Women who swim in the ocean guilty of adultery
Video mash-up shows Republicans citing the Bible to oppose climate change action
Oklahoma Satanists Want to Donate Monument Next to State Ten Commandments Display.
Renew America: Gay Marriage Is A Satanic Plot To Murder Christians
The 2nd Amendment isn’t about individuals owning whatever guns they want, but it’s also not about the general population being equipped to overpower the Federal government. They were revolutionary, but they weren’t nuts; nobody’s going to write permission for violent overthrow into their Constitution.
The 2nd Amendment assures people that state militias, and any army raised by Congress, will be composed of Americans, not foreign mercenaries. That’s why it’s right next to the 3rd Amendment, which assures people they won’t have a bunch of soldiers taking over their houses.
I like the relaxing Sir Coughsalot tune at the end.
Guys your piece about the conservatives quoting the bible to justify ignoring climate change made me think of this awesome interview with Carl Sagan, his last ever. The point he makes in the first several minutes specifically. We live in a scientific/technological society in which we actively ignore scientific thinking.
Thanks for your efforts.
I live in Florida, where the drug-testing thing came up. There was also a push to test all non-executive government workers.
Our governor, Rick Scott, has a background in the medical business. He owns a “doc-in-a-box” chain that runs the clinics in some WalMarts.
Before the election, he transferred his holdings in that chain to his wife, to preemptively deflect “conflict of interest”.
Because his company specialized in drug testing.