
Episode 16: Occupy Everything

This Episode covers the week of Oct 3rd – 10th, 2011.

Steve Jobs followed natural medine, Creationsts caught on camera, Occupy Wall St, Bill O’Reilly says people who need jobs should just get them, Herman Cain is delusional, Conservative infighting, Conservapedia: Border Patrol, Invisible man rapes girl.

Clips used: The Nightline Face-Off: Does God Have a Future?, Creationism propaganda for children caught on camera, CSPN, Entertainment Tonight, Keep Conservatives United, A Few Good Men.

Friends of the show:

Episode 15: Slick as Santorum


News items for the week of 9/26 – 10/3





B-Shoc gives a Christian prayer rally in South Carolina, Neutrino could go faster than light, Faith healing parents let son die, American secularism on the rise, Refusing to Kill Daughter, Pakistani Family Defies Tradition, 11,000 kids in California enter the school system without being vaccinated, Skeptic book recommendations, Obama’s class warfare, Huge support for the “Buffet Rule,” Elizabeth Warren kils it, Santorum asks google for help, Whale found 800m on shore.


Clips: “The Moon, the Tides and why Neil DeGrasse Tyson is Colbert’s God,” The Science Network. Ali G on Science, Jesus Camp, Fox News, In the Stone – Earth, Wind and Fire, Anderson Cooper 360, A Few Good Men.


Drew’s link: