Show Notes
Donald Trump defends COVID-19 vaccines during Candace Owens interview
Far-Right Stars Joe Oltmann, Jovan Pulitzer Fantasize They’ve Been Attacked With Anthrax
Dallas QAnon ‘Cult’ Is Now Drinking Terrifying Chemical Cocktail, Family Says
US military has granted 0 religious exemptions for COVID vaccines | WTRF
Saudi Arabia: Yemeni Man Sentenced for Apostasy | Human Rights Watch
Democrats should apply Supreme Court’s abortion decision to firearms – The Boston Globe
Left at the Valley Guest Spot
Year’s End with Tom & Cecil of Cog Dis
Santa’s big red coke!
I think one right that parallels abortion is that of signing a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form. That is supposedly a person should be able to control his/her treatment in the case of something going wrong and not to be resuscitated, but if someone challenges this right and republicans try to interfere, everyone should see the hypocrisy of their abortion laws.
How rude of the Catholics. Can you imagine the furore had the Satanists chanted prayers while the baby Jesus was being installed?
It’s a pity there aren’t rules disallowing such disruptive protests *right there in the building*. Let them protest outside if they must (and, of course, they must), but that time and space was booked by the Satanists for their installation.