Episode 60: Nothing a Shovel Couldn’t Fix

4 comments on Episode 60: Nothing a Shovel Couldn’t Fix

  1. Tarkin says:

    Listening to your podcast for the first time right now. I like my skeptic/atheist podcasts, but I don’t usually laugh out loud like I am now. Just a quickie on cordial, if its the same in the UK as in Australia its a kids drink, its not alcoholic.


  2. Frankathon says:

    That preacher you were talking about, the guy who punches and kicks the devil out of people to save them? Well turn’s out he’s Canadian.

    First, I’m embarrassed that this guy is Canadian! Can’t he go to the U.S. and stay with the rest of the religious wingbats there? Anyhow he’s touring in the Uk in August, he should be prevented from entering to the UK. Although there is something about religious freedom… something about letting people believe whatever they want even if it’s going to oppress others, break some bones and possibly give you even more brain damage then you already have. Do we have a responsibility to protect people from guys like this? Or do we let people get abused as much as they want as long as it’s consensual?

  3. RipleyP says:

    I am of the opinion the magic patch is just KY warming lube. Its water based, its in gel form and it warms on contact. Would the contunied and energetic use of this substance as directed also lead to great abs?

  4. Frankathon says:

    “Would the contunied and energetic use of this substance as directed also lead to great abs?”

    Where the sun dont shine XD

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