- Kashmiri acid attack victim let down by law
- Victim of domestic violence fails to find lawyer
- Mother Teresa ‘miracle’ patient accuses nuns
- Conservative radio host says liberals’ caused the Aurora shooting, cites bible
- The Jim Henson Company splits from Chick-Fil-A over gay marriage rights
- 500 Attend Vigil for LGBT Member Attacked in Lincoln Home
- 16-Year-Old Lesbian Brutally Beaten By Group of Men in Kentucky
- US evangelical Christians accused of promoting homophobia in Africa
- Eagle Scouts return medals over organization’s anti-gay stance
- Catholic Priest Sexually Abuses a Woman During Exorcism
- 3 arrests made in spa therapy deaths
Clips: Sam Harris, Allahu Akbar, Christopher Hitchens, AFA, Michelle Bachmann, Jesus Camp and Blue Suede, Boy Scouts Song, A Few Good Men.
Hey, somebody is going to photoshop Kim Jong-un’s head on my TAM picture? Awesome. This reminded me to thank you for the T-shirt offer and making me be a little more outgoing at TAM, forcing me to help plan, plot and execute collarings that resulted in pictures. Having a mission really helped! Seriously, the T-shirts aren’t that bad. Maire looked good in hers and Mark and I were good enough. Don’t stress the vendor, you’ve got better things to do! Such as Apocalypse Without Borders, great idea! Donated.
It’s true that the Buddhas of Bamiyan were a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and there are no UNESCO police; however, it is equally true that the Giza Pyramids are protected by treaty. In fact, according to Wikipedia, they are protected by several treaties including the Geneva Convention. While I believe that this site is protected by international law, I think the real problem here is that international law is weak and inconsistently enforced. Treaties were broken–international law was violated–when the Buddhas were destroyed by the Taliban, but the state parties to the convention aparently didn’t consider the matter important enough to take action; so, at least in some sense, the protection of international law in these cases has little actual effect due to our own inaction and unwillingness to enforce treaties to which we have agreed. In any case, to be fair, I didn’t suggest that World Heritage Site status would prevent destruction of the Pyramids; I merely stated that they were protected by treaty, and I hoped that the Egyptians wouldn’t violate that treaty.