Episode 530: Boomy McWhaleface

2 comments on Episode 530: Boomy McWhaleface

  1. Paul Hart says:

    Hey guys love the show. Recently I started listening to your catalog from the beginning. It’s been good fun but one major thing has become apparent. Nothing has changed. I’m up to episode.20 and you guys are discussing police brutality, free market social inequality and racism. This show was from 2011. I feel for you guys, you must have the worst headaches from banging tour heads against the wall. Here in Australia, we feel for you. Good luck.

  2. Matt says:

    Its a fair cop calling out the church members for not understanding the technology they are employing to protect the people in their building. However, the most recent advice from health experts about COVID-19 transmission indicates that the virus can linger in aerosol form. People who acquired the virus while inside probably got it from the air. The risk is much lower outside or in buildings that are very well ventilated. Ventilation is tricky though and some clusters of infection have been linked to groups of people who happened to be sitting in the same recirculated air conditioning system.

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