Episode 53: Geologic

2 comments on Episode 53: Geologic

  1. Jakke says:

    Were I not a dirty foreigner (and thus not going to TAM) I’d love to get a free Cognitive Dissonance shirt. What is wrong with you american TAM-goers? FUCKING FREE SHIRT!

    … And the prospect of being associated with these guys on Facebook, what is there to lose?

  2. Murff says:

    I haven’t looked this up or anything, but I would think pedophiles would be both hetero- and homosexual. Would kinda explain why most choose one sex or the other. Consider Sandusky…all that time and all those different boys, yet no charges of him molesting minor girls. (could be that the boys were more accessible?)

    Just my thoughts while listening to yet another great podcast! Thanks again for your work.


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