Stories from the Week
Falwell Focuses on Critics as Coronavirus Cases Near Liberty University Grow
Ninth Circuit Says Man Can’t Sue Officers Who Destroyed His Home To Capture An Unarmed Homeless Man
Heroes of the pandemic: Former CEO of RadioShack now an ER doctor on frontlines of COVID-19 fight
Coronavirus: Indonesian village uses ‘ghosts’ for distancing patrols
Judge to lawyers: Please get out of bed and put on a shirt for Zoom court hearings
Coronavirus Can Spread Through Farts – Report
Defiant pastor who vowed to hold services ‘until in jail or hospital’ dies of coronavirus
Nightingale Hospital phone mast hit by fire amid 5G Covid-19 theories
Celebs share rumors linking 5G to coronavirus, nutjobs burn cell towers
Listening now. Heard about your travel loss.
1). Did you book your travel expenses with a credit card?
2). Did you check your credit card to see if it automatically provides travel insurance?
You might have a recourse to get your money back. I was supposed to find out all of my cards provide this when I was reading about rental car insurance. Worth checking out
Regarding the *Chile Counts Those Who Died of Coronavirus as Recovered Because They’re ‘No Longer Contagious,’* story, this could be because they’re using the SIR statistical model. This is explained in more detail by Numberphile here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6nLfCbAzgo (timestamp 1:38 for the definitions) but basically S=Susceptible people, I=Infected people, and R=people who are no longer infectious either because they’ve Recovered or because they’ve died. So ‘recovered’ isn’t necessarily the best word to use, but it makes for a nice acronym.