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- With beets still in the ground, Farmers pack in churches to pray for better harvest conditions | INFORUM
- MO health director had spreadsheet of abortion patients | The Kansas City Star
- Runner Wearing ‘Jesus Saves’ Bib Given CPR by a Man Named Jesus | PEOPLE.com
- Christian group tries to ban naked Joan of Arc oratorio – ABC News
- Homophobic hate preacher drowned out by men with saxophones
- Virginia GOP Sends Racist Mailer Attacking Democratic Incumbent | Right Wing Watch
- Trump Tweets Faked Photo of Hero Dog Getting a Medal
- Donald and Melania Trump Put Halloween Candy on a Kid’s Head, and Twitter Can’t Get Over It
- A Divided House Endorses Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump
- Anne Graham Lotz: God Orchestrated Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria to Set Up the Last Days | Right Wing Watch
Cecil, you mentioned the decline of our Democracy coinciding with the wedge issues of Newt Gingrich. I am reading The Read and the Blue by Steve Kornacki that details all of this. If you ever feel the need to suffer a rage stroke I highly suggest it.