Texas lawmaker calls vaccines ‘sorcery,’ verbally attacks prominent advocate – Houston Chronicle
Falwell Urges Barr to Prosecute Those Who Launched Mueller Investigation | Right Wing Watch
Michael Cohen says he helped Jerry Falwell Jr. handle racy photos
Anti-vaxx Kentucky teen who sued over unvaccinated chickenpox ban now has chickenpox
Bryan Fischer: The Solution to Climate Change is to ‘Repent of Our Sin’ | Right Wing Watch
Mark Taylor: Satan Uses Chemtrails to Block ‘God’s Frequency’ | Right Wing Watch
Baby Shark Death Metal
Oily Bible
Mueller Report Audible
The points of my comment on the previous episode is:
1. Unless a party wins the majority of seats by sheer number of votes (thus making a coalition of opposing parties impossible), there’s no ‘winning the election’ in Israel. There’s just being the largest party and most likely to be leading the next government.
In a not so recent election, for example, the party charged with assembling the government, was not the largest by number of seats won.
2. Netanyahu is still not prime minister of the future government.
He’s having trouble assembling a coalition, and already asked to extend the time allotted to do so.
And yes, Israel is crazy.