Episode 43: The Medium Looks Well Done

Clips: Bill Gates – Vaccines save lives. Ghostbusters, NCIS Hacked, Rick Santorum Concession with Kevin MacLeod’s “A Turn for the Worse.” from Incompetech.com, Long Island Medium on TLC, Quackery PSA,   Obama at Press Dinner on Trump and Birth Certificate, Allahu Akbar, A Few Good Men.


3 comments on Episode 43: The Medium Looks Well Done

  1. Craig Smith says:

    I’ve got it. After discovering your wonderful podcast, your sense of humor reminds me of the old Animal Stories show, starring Larry Lujack and ‘Li’l Tommy, that aired on WLS Chicago in the 1980’s. Once you guys start laughing at the insanity, I can’t help but join you. Thanks!!!

  2. Johnny Slick says:

    I love your show even when people are sick. Wait, who am I fooling… you guys are sick every week. Anyway, I wanted to just note that the website seattlepi.com belongs the the former Seattle Post-Intelligencer, a newspaper which provided goodness to our fair city from before the Great Fire of Seattle (yes, we had one of those too!) until just a few years ago when it went web-only. IT IS NOT A WEBSITE DEVOTED TO EVERYBODY’S FAVORITE REAL NUMBER SO STFU LIBS

    This is especially egregious because it is supposed that if you calculate pi back far enough you will get every possible combination of numbers that exists. That in turn means that by charging a company with including pi in their masthead they are essentially also including everything which can be expressed in numbers. You know what else is essentially encoded with numbers on the Internet? Child pornography. Spam email. Pirated software. Every single cryptography key out there (every single possible cryptography key for that matter). The recipe for making a nuclear bomb. If you love freedom, you will not accuse the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website of being “Seattle pi” again.

  3. Pete Mason says:

    I’ve been working my way through all the past shows and this one is my favorite so far. “Of course he’s not OK lady, he’s fuckin’ DEAD!”

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