Stories from the Week
Would It or Wouldn’t It Be Russia: Trump Goes Double Negative – The New York Times
Opinion | Trump, Treasonous Traitor – The New York Times
- Outrage erupts over Trump-Putin ‘conversation’ about letting Russia interrogate ex-U.S. diplomat Michael McFaul – The Washington Post
- He’s Always Known: Trump Was Told In Jan 2017 That Putin Was Behind Attacks – Talking Points Memo
- Mueller probe: 12 Russians indicted for DNC hack – CNNPolitics
Gay men, adulterers publicly flogged in Aceh, Indonesia – CNN
The Bloodstains On The Shroud Of Turin Are Probably Fake, Say Forensic Experts
Idaho man abused kids, woman knew about it, charges claim | Idaho Statesman
Police: Church Official Stole More Than $125K « CBS Miami
From email:
You Can’t Unsee Donald Trump in Spam Form – Eater
Walgreens pharmacist refuses to fill prescription for a miscarriage – CNN
Tysonism – Space Force Song | Facebook
Batman Movie 1966 “Sea for Catwoman” – YouTube
To the conversation at around 35m, a comment I made well over a year ago, “Conservatives have traded truth for certainty.”
The past is a scary place because the past is where “the libtards” were wright all along. So, the past is always an extension of the eternal now. Everything said now has always been true and will always been true. The “now” resets daily, but that leads to “the liberals were right”, so there is only now’s now.
The Fairness Doctrine. You had to present both sides of an issue from valid, vetted sources.
Repeal led directly to Rush Limbaugh. Robert Bork was part of its downfall, and Reagan tried to nominate him to the Supreme Court, which did not go well (he fired Cox for Nixon).