Thanks to our Guest this time, Mike Hall from Skeptics with a K.
- TWiC #5: Sally Morgan and other frauds
- Child Drowns In Church Baptismal Pool In Indianapolis
- Indiana lawmaker urges state Republicans to oppose resolution honoring ‘radicalized’ Girl Scouts
- Kids turned away from church
- Time to bar Saudi Arabia from Olympic competition
- In Georgia, a School Board President Faces Opposition Simply Because He Won’t Reveal His Religious Preference
- CNN Contributor Dana Loesch Defends Virginia ‘State-Sponsored Rape’ Bill As No Different Than Consensual Sex
- Afghan anger over Quran burning an emblem of nation’s culture war
Clips: Ricky Gervais, Jesus camp, Bill O’Reilly, Saudi Arabian National Anthem, The Simpsons.
Check out “The Converts”
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