- Duck Dynasty Patriarch Urges Iowans to Vote Ted Cruz to “Rid the Earth” of Gay Marriage Supporters
- Ted Cruz Prayer Team: Satan Is Warring Against Us
- ‘Here am I Lord, use me’: Ted Cruz’s dad says Holy Ghost authorized White House run
- Harlem pastor: Gays can’t foreclose on my church until they birth babies ‘through their anus’
- Alex Jones: Bernie Sanders Will Throw Us In Forced Labor Camps Like Mao Zedong
- At Florida Subcommittee Hearing, Man Says Abortion Must Be Restricted to Preserve “White Culture”
- Texas pastor begs God to smite UFC fighter ‘with a lightning bolt’ because he threatened to punch Jesus
- Quebec spa workers heading to prison for role in extreme-sweating death of woman wrapped in mud and cellophane
Apostasy Now Ep 56 – Tom & Cecil: Cognitive Dissonance Vs The Dick Joke