Thanks for David from My Book of Mormon, Adam from The Herd Mentality, Andy from Inkredulous and Michael from Be Reasonable for joining us.
Two sons get mother beaten to death by occultist for good luck: http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/two-sons-get-mother-beaten-to-death-by-occultist-for-good-luck/article1-1301815.aspx
Pastor rips Bill Maher in absurd rant: He’s wrong about God because we still listen to Mozart: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/12/pastor-rips-bill-maher-in-absurd-rant-hes-wrong-about-god-because-we-still-listen-to-mozart/
Publisher sets off firestorm after omitting Israel from school atlases ‘to meet local preferences’: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/12/publisher-sets-off-firestorm-after-omitting-israel-from-school-atlases-to-meet-local-preferences/
Pastor Gives Up on God ‘To Have a Closer Relationship to Reality’: http://www.alternet.org/pastor-gives-god-have-closer-relationship-reality
Next week – Thomas from Thomas and the Bible, Atheistically Speaking and Comedy Shoeshine, Heath and Noah from the Scathing Atheist and Jake from Imaginary Friends Show.
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