Fischer: The Poor ‘Ought To Be Kissing The Ground’ Upon Which The Rich Walk
Phyllis Schlafly Claims Women Paid The Same As Men Won’t Find Husbands
Kevin Swanson Compares Gay-Inclusive Honey Maid Ad To Axe Murder, Cannibalism
Sandy Rios Warns Of New Terrorist Attacks Because Boston Mourners ‘Ignored’ God
Jay’s Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VTt31TsGoI
Listen to us on Atheistically Speaking :http://atheisticallyspeaking.com/
And on Shit Talking Skeptics with Ross: http://skepticallychallenged.org/sts-episode-1-20140413/
Play this week’s Mad Libviticus
The song under the Mad-Lib-Viticus is called Monkeys Spinning Monkeys, by Kevin MacLeod of incompetch,com.
Regarding the story about Bryan Fischer pointing out that the top 1% of Americans pay nearly 30% of all federal tax revenue, while the bottom 50% pay only 2.7%, I think it is important to note thate the top 1% own 38% of the country’s financial wealth, while the bottom 60% owns 2.3%. Looking at it this way, it seems that it is the extremely wealthy that aren’t paying their fair share.
What do you mean by ‘there’s no sport to watch right now’? It’s the NHL playoffs right now, the only real North American borned sport!
Hockey? Remember back when they missed an entire season from a strike? ESPN had a poll asking how the lost season affected you, (a little) (a lot) or (didn’t know hockey missed a season). Over 70% went to the 3rd option…lol
Thanks again for the great show Tom and Cecil. As someone that listens to American Family Radio almost daily, and get the opportunity to talk to people at my work and show them just how stupid Bryan Fischer really is, I really enjoy it when you guys feature a clip. That man is either the dumbest man on earth, or the biggest liar…probably both.
Tom: What does Phyllis Schlaffly think is going to happen?
Phyllis Schlaffly thinks what will happen is the under-educated, under-informed, superstitious, fear and paranoia seeped intellectual troglodytes will hoot and ook and slap their hands on the ground, which will let her cash a phat check for her speaking fee.
Not sure if you guys saw this yet, but if not, it’s a must see:
Steel Panther – Gloryhole (Explicit)