Episode 517: WYOAIDS Assistance
Thank you to Aaron and Jim from wyoaids.org for joining us. Now is a very important time to donate to wyoaids.org and help them with their mission. Please consider donating at wyoaids.org and follow their social media at https://www.facebook.com/WyoAIDS/ and https://twitter.com/WyoAIDS
Stories from the Week
60% of Americans approve of Trump’s coronavirus response: poll
Louisiana pastor defies governor’s orders not to hold large gatherings — again
Ben Shapiro Insists it’s Not Racist to Call Coronavirus the ‘Chinese Virus’
All of Trump’s Lies About the Coronavirus
Trump Suggests States Need to Bribe Him With Praise to Get Federal Assistance for COVID-19
Kentucky church held service against governor’s warning. Visitor now has coronavirus.