Episode 350: Hooker Cakes
- Islamic Cleric: The Simpsons Episode “Predicting” Trump’s Presidency Is a Plot to Discredit Allah
- This GOP Lawmaker Wants Christian Doomsday Militias To ‘Restore The Fabric Of America’ (VIDEO)
- The Texas AG sued to keep a Bible quote in school. Now he’s troubled by Muslim prayers.
- UPDATE: Idaho Senate Kills ‘Faith Healing’ Bill, 11-24
- City Council vows action on controversial circumcision
- Pakistan asks Facebook and Twitter to help identify blasphemers
- Former Trump Campaign Adviser Says God Warned Him About Bugging Of The White House
- Wayne Allyn Root: Trump Is Like ‘A Wife Who Makes Passionate Love To You Every Day, Seven Days A Week’
- Lance Wallnau Recounts How An ‘Anointed Cake’ Freed A Man From Homosexuality
- Read President Trump’s Interview With TIME on Truth and Falsehoods
Adam Reakes:
Angry Black Rant:
Franco Soup: