Episode 209: God Hates Reverse Cowgirl
- Mississippi Law Would Permit Unlicensed Drivers To Operate Buses Under Religious Exemption
- Romance tips from an end-time pastor: Demons torture married couples who practice ‘woman on top
- Doctor refuses treatment of same-sex couple’s baby
- William Gheen: Obama Will Give Immigrants ‘Badges And Guns’ To Go After ‘Christian, Heterosexual Male’ Population
- Saudi cleric: Earth does not revolve around Sun, moon landing was faked, because religion
- Oklahoma bill replaces AP History with Bible studies and sermons
- Measles Outbreak Hits Texas Church That Preached Against Vaccines
- Pat Robertson Says Demons Can Curse Your Unborn Child Through Facebook
- Idaho woman beats Jewish woman in attempt to coerce Christian conversion
Spurious Correlations: http://www.tylervigen.com/
InKredulous: Episode #033: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2015/02/inkredulous-episode-033/