Episode 348: Marissa Alexa McCool
Thanks to @RisMcCool for joining us. You can find her work below!
Inciting Incident – The Podcast
The PC Lie: How American Voters Decided I Don’t Matter
Stories covered in episode:
Thanks to @RisMcCool for joining us. You can find her work below!
Inciting Incident – The Podcast
The PC Lie: How American Voters Decided I Don’t Matter
Stories covered in episode:
“There is no such thing anymore as fact because it’s all subjective”….what!?
Tom and Cecil talk about a recent episode of The Diane Rehm Show where guest Scottie Nell Hughes discusses her ideas on facts. They also discuss Alex Jones and “Pizzagate” and why Math only works because Jesus created it.
Stories Covered In the Episode:
Stories covered in the episode:
Tickets for Lagunitas Ethical Drinking Event http://ethicalhumanistsociety.org/lagunitas/#tickets
Opening Arguments Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/opening-arguments/id1147092464
Thanks to Jake Farr-Wharton from Imaginary Friendshow, Noah and Heath from Scathing Atheist, and Thomas from Atheistically Speaking, Comedy Shoeshine and Thomas and the Bible, for joining us and celebrating 200 episodes.
People Say God Made Them Miss AirAsia Flight: ‘Your Plan Is So Beautiful’ (Video)
Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn’t add up.
All the podcasters that joined us: