Episode 339: Tiny Hands Across America
In this episode, Cecil and Tom discuss a couple of stories including one about a politician allegedly inappropriately grabbing a woman in her genital area, a story about how we will all become Muslim because of atheism and paganism, a priest files a complaint with Irish Government after comedian calls Communion “Haunted Bread”, and how Prayer Warriors descend on Washington to provide a prayer shield for Donald Trump.
Stories covered in episode:
- ‘I no longer have to be politically correct’: GOP politician arrested after grabbing a woman in her genital area
- Cardinal: ‘Soon we’ll all be Muslims because of atheism’
- After Comedian Refers to Communion As “Haunted Bread,” Priest Files Complaint with Irish Government
- Marriage equality will lead to gender confusion, Australian Christian Lobby claims
- Hundreds of Prayer Warriors Descend on Washington to Provide Prayer Shield for Donald Trump
- Rick Joyner: Common Core Is ‘Treason’ And Will ‘Absolutely Destroy America’
- OB-GYN doctor blasts Gwyneth Paltrow for claiming jade eggs in your vagina are a good idea
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