Episode 314: Opening Arguments
Jim Bakker: People Are Trying To Kill Me For Believing The Bible
Stewart Rhodes Urges ‘Real Men’ To ‘Go Armed To Church’ To Fight ISIS
Thanks to Thomas Smith from Opening Arguments for joining the show.
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Episode 283: Cussing the Slippin’ Giant
Pro-gun mum Jamie Gilt will never give up her guns despite being shot by son, family say
Rafael Cruz: Atheism leads to child molestation and perversity
Rafael Cruz Brings Up Nazi Germany In Rant Against Marriage Equality
Paranoia-Rama: Trump Embraces Sandy Hook Truther, Obama’s ‘Hate Crimes’ And World War III Is Imminent
Rick Joyner Mathematically ‘Proves’ We’re In The End Times
Gwyneth Paltrow is Now Promoting Skincare Products That Have Been Meditated Over