Episode 600

Episode 600 Part B

Thank you! Through persistence, never surrendering, and a disregard for our 1 star reviewers e have made it to 600 episodes. It’s your fault and we thank you for it.

Make sure to follow Cara Santa Maria https://twitter.com/CaraSantaMaria

Seth Andrews https://twitter.com/ThinkingAtheist

Marsh and Andy https://twitter.com/MrMMarsh



Episode 600 Part A

Thanks to all the awesome listeners AND especially those that sent in messages. EVEN MORE especially those musical messages in the bumpers.

And make sure to follow George Hrab at https://twitter.com/georgehrab

Knowledge Fight https://twitter.com/knowledge_fight

Thomas Smith https://twitter.com/seriouspod

and those PIAT pod boys https://twitter.com/PiatPod