Seth Andrews joins Tom & Cecil to ruminate on the maniacal vocal stylings of the inimitable Alex Jones.
If you haven’t yet take a listen to Part 1 with Seth Andrews
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Stories from the Week
Jerusalem expert slams Pence for treating his city like an ‘end-of-days Biblical theme park’
Mike Pence gas-lights gay people: I never supported conversion therapy
Alex Jones: God Will Destroy ‘Demon Spawn’ CNN Reporter Brian Stelter | Right Wing Watch
Stoneman Douglas Victims’ Fund
Images from the Week
Make sure you follow Seth Andrews
congrats. Thanks for your show. It’s helped me a lot. I’m 61 and have been a non-believer for a while now but every once in a while I still feel the pull. I was just on a website yesterday called ‘army of jesus’. I guy from work sent me a Russian bot meme from them. And as I read, I could feel the pull of the craziness. You guys keep me grounded. It’s really important what you do. Thanks
ps, if you read this on air, use my full name!